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Boston v6.4 - Release Notes

Boston Professional v6.4 Release Notes

Boston Professional v6.4 is a patch release to Boston Professional v6.2 (v6.3 release skipped)
Release Date: 8th Aug 2022 (Limited Release)

A summary of the main commits follow:

- Implemented Use Case Diagrams;
- Implemented Cypher/Neo4j query. FactEngine;
- Implemented Neo4J in Boston/FactEngine;
- Made improvements to database upgrade process;
- Improvements to the AutoComplete functionality in the Virtual Analyst, along with parser improvements for all natural language interfaces to Boston;
- Bug fixes based on customer feedback;
- Improved the Boston Virtual Analyst parser, and the Parser Generator for all Boston parsers;
- Facts added to a Fact Type using the Virtual Analyst show on open Pages containing and instance of that Fact Type;
- Implemented Fact creation statement to Virtual Analyst;
- Added syntax for Facts to be created using the Virtual Analyst;
- Virtual Analyst - Added ability to define Internal Uniqueness Constraints for Objectified Fact Types and/or FactTypes spanning more than one Role;
- Added ObjectifiedFactTypeIsIdentifiedByIts clause to Virtual Analyst syntax;
- Client/Server Boston Online now supports Subtype Relationship creation;
- 1:1 FactTypes as Links in Property Graph Schema view now have no arrow heads;
- Fixed Models not being removed from TreeView in the Model Explorer;
- Fixes to NORMA .orm file loading;
- Fixed AutoLayout bugs ORM Diagram Form;
- Fixed NORMA file loading bugs. Was removing Columns for subtypes under certain circumstances as the model loaded;
- Added ORM Popup Tool Selector to the ORM diagramming page;
- Added search box to the Model Dictionary;
- Added new CodeGeneratorUseSquareBracketsTableNames to configuration items;
- Minor bug fixes, Code Generator;
- Implemented InstanceNumber on ConceptInstances. I.e. Can now have multiple instances of a ModelElementInstance on a Page at the same time. RoleInstances join to the nearest instance;
- Implemented Transformations for FactEngine queries;
- EntityTypeInstances now show ObjectifyingEntityTypeIndicator image for EntityTypeInstances that are ObjectifyingEntityTypes and where the EntityTypeInstance is visible (i.e. used instead of the corresponding ObjectifiedFactType);
- Objectifying Entity Types can now be displayed on a Page and as (especially) when imported from NORMA .orm files;
- .fbm XML export can now exclude Core MDA (Model Driven Architecture) model elements from the Model;
- Implemented InstanceNumber on ConceptInstances. I.e. Can now have multiple instances of a ModelElementInstance on a Page at the same time. RoleInstances join to the nearest instance;
- Improvements to error handling within the DuplexServiceClient processing of messages;
- DuplexServiceClient now returning extra error messages for FEQL statements;
- Added ModelCreate interface message type the Boston WCF DuplexServiceClient interface;
- Minor bug fixes with to Boston WCF DuplexServiceClient interface;
- Fixed bugs in DuplexServiceClient message handling. CodeSafe implemented to check that the Model is loaded before performing operations over the Model;
- Extended Boston Natural Language API. Better error messages;
- Completed frmCRUDEditUnifiedOntology;
- Fixed some Boston compiler warnings;
- XML stored Models where the XML file no longer exists are now gracefully handled in the Model Explorer, urging removal of the Model from the Model Explorer;
- Internal Uniqueness Constraints / Instances that are somehow corrupted are now identified and urged to be removed from the Model and reconstructed. Handling of this type of error is now more graceful;
- Implementing Unified Ontology management;
- Models stored as XML now have different 'XML Model' icon in Model Explorer if no target database;
- Role Paths within Join Paths within Role Constraint Arguments/Sequences now match functionality of NORMA;
- Value Types now capable of being declared Independent, when having been referenced within Fact Types. I.e. When the Value Type does play a Role in a Fact Type, though instances of the Value Type may exist independently of the Role they may play;
- Impoved morphing, State Transition Diagram to ORM diagram;
- Can now create Foreign Key References directly between Entities in Entity Relationship Diagram views;
- Refined error message throwing. Users can now turn on Automatic sending of error messages to FactEngine on the error message dialog;
- Refined upgrade management of config file and database location finding on upgrade. Error message only if can't find the database after having migrated the config file;
- Fixed bugs in State Transition Diagram view. Not allowing links. Saving Model to XML file;
- Refined the Taxonomy Tree view;
- Updated the User Manual for the new Virtual Analyst statements;
- Implemented INCLUDES (Value Type Value Constraint) clause in VAQL for the Virtual Analyst;
- Implemented AT LEAST ONE and ANY NUMBER OF in Virtual Analyst Fact Type creation statements;
- Can now access the Table Data View directly from within a Property Graph Schema;
- Added setting ShowStackTraceFactEngineQuery;
- Improved jumping to Vitual Analyst when a Fact Type Reading does not exist in the Model, for a given FactEngine query;
- Improvements to Table Data Edit form. Minor bug fixes;
- ER Diagram View - Clicking on an Entity that represents a FactType, now shows Fact Type Readings in the ORM Reading Editor;
- Refining database synchronisation, especially when creating a Model via a PGS Page;
- Removed automatic creation of FT as MDA Model Element in Brain actions- Create FactType;
- Bug fix in verbalisation of Many-to-One FactTypeInstance;
- Bug fixes in show/hide facility for Fact Types in the ORM diagram view;
- Clicking on a Role Name now highlights the Role to which it relates;
- Implemented the ability for a Superuser to change a ModelElement to a MDA Model Element, with warning that is only to be done by FactEngine staff;
- Added more intelligence around identifying Column Name's in RETURN clauses in FactEngine;
- Fixed bug in v6.1 reloading Page that contains Subtype Relationships. Wasn't reloading the Subtype Relationship links;
- Fixed bug in v6.1. Opening the Keyword Extraction Tool without having the Model loaded...now loads the Model;
- Implemented dashed lines for Link Fact Type based Edge Types in PGS diagrams;
- Fixed bug in [Make Many-to-Many Relationship] option for Edge Types;

Known Issues:
- Role Value Constraints do not show on reloaded pages.
- FactEngine doesn't cater for unary fact types in all cases at this stage
- Unary Fact Types may not be translated to a boolean attribute/property in the Entity Relationship and Property Graph views in all cases.

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