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Boston Data Type Descriptions

The following are descriptions and examples for each data type in Boston. These descriptions provide a clear understanding of each data type's purpose and use case, along with an example to illustrate how they might be used in a practical context. The additional notes offer further clarification when necessary.

Data Type Description Example Notes
DataTypeNotSet Reserved for future use or to indicate an undefined data type. N/A Used as a placeholder when the data type is not yet determined.
Boolean Stores true or false values. true Often used in control flow as flags.
LogicalTrueFalse Stores decisions as true or false. false Explicitly for binary logical operations.
LogicalYesNo Stores decisions as yes or no. Yes Used for clarity in user interfaces.
AutoCounter Numeric type that increments with each record. 101 (after 100) Typically used as a primary key in databases.
Decimal Stores numbers with decimal points. 123.45 Suitable for precise calculations like financial transactions.
FloatCustomPrecision Stores floating-point numbers with user-defined precision. 3.14159 Precision can be set according to the required accuracy.
FloatDoublePrecision Stores floating-point numbers with double precision. 3.141592653589793 Ideal for scientific calculations requiring high precision.
FloatSinglePrecision Stores floating-point numbers with single precision. 3.1415927 Balances precision and performance for general use.
Money Formatted to handle monetary values. $19.99 Ensures accuracy for financial data.
SignedBigInteger Stores very large integers, both positive and negative. -9223372036854775808 Can represent a wide range of integer values.
SignedInteger Stores integers with a sign. -2147483648 The standard integer type in most programming languages.
SignedSmallInteger Stores smaller ranges of signed integers. -32768 Used when storage efficiency is important.
UnsignedBigInteger Stores very large non-negative integers. 18446744073709551615 For when the value range will not include negatives.
UnsignedInteger Stores whole non-negative numbers. 4294967295 Commonly used for counts and sizes.
UnsignedSmallInteger Stores small ranges of non-negative whole numbers. 65535 Efficient for small quantities.
UnsignedTinyInteger Optimized for storing very small whole non-negative numbers. 255 Minimal storage space required.
ObjectID Unique identifier for objects. 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 Often used in programming for object references.
RowID Unique identifier for database rows. 000001F4 Ensures precise retrieval of database records.
RawDataFixedLength Stores raw binary data with a fixed length. 10101010 (8 bits) Fixed length ensures consistent storage size.
RawDataLargeLength Stores large volumes of raw binary data. Binary data of a .zip file Used for storing files or large data blobs.
RawDataOLEObject Stores OLE objects for embedding complex data types. Embedded Excel chart Enables embedding objects like spreadsheets into documents.
RawDataPicture Specifically for storing image data. Binary data of a .jpg image Ensures images are stored in their native format.
VariableLength Accommodates raw binary data with variable length. Binary data of varying length files Flexible storage for binary data of unpredictable size.
AutoTimestamp Records the date and time when a record is created or modified. 2023-11-13T10:45:30Z Timestamps are crucial for tracking changes.
TemporalDate Records dates without time of day. 2023-11-13 Used for storing simple date information.
TemporalDateTime Records both the date and the time. 2023-11-13 10:45:30 Useful for logging events to a precise moment.
Time Dedicated to recording time of day. 10:45:30 When only the time component is needed.
TextFixedLength Stores strings of a specified, fixed length. Hello (10 characters) Good for data that will always be the same length.
TextLargeLength Stores longer strings of text. Entire paragraphs of text For text data that can be very large, like comments or articles.
TextVariableLength Stores strings of varying length. Hello, World! Most flexible for text, as it can store a wide range of lengths.