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Introduction to the Grandfather-Father-Son Backup Method in Boston Software

The Boston Conceptual Modeling Software, a tool designed for efficient and detailed conceptual modelling, has recently integrated a Grandfather-Father-Son (GFS) backup regime. This integration is aimed at enhancing data management practices through a structured and reliable backup process. The GFS method offers a systematic approach to data backup, ensuring consistency and reliability in data storage and recovery. In environments that require risk management, Boston's GFS backup regime offers peace of mind and surety of data recovery at an acceptable level of granularity.

Overview of the GFS Backup Regime

The GFS backup regime is a hierarchical approach to data backup, involving three tiers: Grandfather, Father, and Son. This structure is designed to provide a balanced approach to data backup, combining thoroughness with efficiency.

  1. Grandfather Backup: Occurs monthly, capturing a comprehensive snapshot of the entire database and associated XML files.
  2. Father Backup: A weekly process that backs up any changes made since the last Grandfather backup.
  3. Son Backup: A daily backup that records daily changes and updates to the database and XML files.

Implementation in Boston Software

In Boston Software, the GFS backup process is seamlessly integrated. The software's core consists of a database (SQLite file) and models stored as XML files in a designated “XML” folder. During the backup process, a new folder titled “Backup” is created (if it doesn’t already exist), with sub-folders for each backup tier: Grandfather, Father, and Son.

Each backup instance involves copying the current state of the Boston database and the XML files into the respective sub-folders in the Backup directory. Additionally, for organizational clarity, the XML files are placed in a similarly named “XML” folder under these directories.

To ensure that the backups are current, Boston Software includes a reference item in the SQLite database. This item records the date of the last backup performed at each tier, providing a clear and accessible record of the backup history.

Operational Workflow in Boston Enterprise

In Boston Enterprise, the multi-user variant of the software accessible via web or intranet, the backup process is initiated by the first user who starts the application. Upon startup, the software checks the dates of the last Grandfather, Father, and Son backups. If it is time for any of these backups to be performed, the software automatically executes them, following the predefined hierarchy and ensuring the data's safety and integrity.

Similarly, within the desktop version of Boston, the GFS regime is instigated when Boston is started.

The integration of the GFS backup regime in Boston Software is a strategic step towards enhanced data management and reliability. This methodical approach to backups ensures that users of Boston Software can maintain and protect their valuable data with confidence.