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FactEngine - Change Request Overview

When putting together a Change Request (CR) template for a project with FactEngine, please discuss with FactEngine the sections that we will include in the project specific Change Request Template.

A Change Request typically includes the following key sections:

  1. Requester Information: This section includes the name and contact information of the person requesting the change.

  2. Description of Change: This section provides a detailed description of the change requested. It should include what will be changed, the reason for the change, and any potential impacts.

  3. Justification: This section provides a justification for the change, explaining why it is needed and what benefits it will provide. It may also include a cost-benefit analysis.

  4. Impact Assessment: This section outlines the potential impact of the change on the system, including any risks, dependencies, and resources required.

  5. Implementation Plan: This section outlines the plan for implementing the change, including any timelines, resources, and testing required.

  6. Back-out Plan: This section outlines the plan for reversing the change if necessary, including any steps required to ensure that the system can be restored to its previous state.

  7. Approval: This section includes the names and contact information of the individuals who need to approve the change request, as well as any deadlines for approval.

  8. Change Control Board (CCB) Review: This section outlines the process for reviewing the change request by the Change Control Board (CCB), including any requirements for documentation, testing, and reporting.

  9. Documentation: This section outlines the documentation that will be required for the change request, including any reports, logs, or other materials that will be used to track and evaluate the change.

  10. Communication Plan: This section outlines the plan for communicating the change to stakeholders, including any updates or notifications that will be required.

  11. Risk Management: This section outlines the risks associated with the change and how they will be managed, including any strategies for mitigating, monitoring, and controlling risks.